The heart of the Versachuck wood lathe chuck is the chuck body itself, which is a robustly built and engineered 100mm scroll chuck with two captive pinions, in which an extended chuck key engages for easy, single handed operation.
The body requires a backplate (available separately) with an appropriate spindle mounting thread for fitting the chuck on your lathe. An extensive selection of Versachuck work holding jaws is available which are mounted on the chuck by means of jaw carriers or jaw slides (also available separately). Work holding jaws from a wide range of other manufactureres can be used on the Verschuck too, by mounting them on Versachuck jaw carriers (jaw slides) appropiate to that make of jaws.
Note that if using other makes of work holding jaws, you need Vesrachuck jaw carrier (jaw slides) appropriate to that make - other makes of jaws will fit on Versachuck jaw carriers, but other makes of jaw carriers won't fit on a Versachuck. We have jaw carriers to suit a large variety of different makes of jaws.