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ER32 18pc metric collet set and chuck - 2 morse taper

Kitless pen making - custom pen tools & supplies » » ER32 18pc metric collet set and chuck - 2 morse taper


(£108.29 excl. Vat)

Item code: pt-er32/set/mt2

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Collets deliver an extremely accurate workpiece and tool holding solution, and in a morse taper collet chuck they can be used at either end of the lathe. They compress to form a perfect circle at a given diameter over the full length of the collet, and although more expensive than a drill chuck, a set of collets will provide far more versatility and precision. They are much more gentle on the workpiece too.

Denoted by an ER number, collets are made in various standard sizes, which fit in a collet chuck that has the same number.  The ER number defines the length and outside diameter of the collet, and within each ER size, the range of inside diameters available is also defined. In other words, the ER size dictates the minimum and maximum diameter of the workpiece or tool that you will be able to hold.

ER32 collets are the ideal size for kitless pens and custom pen making, as the range of collet diameters available within that size is perfect for the various processes involved in pen making, and they grip over a length of 40mm, which is neither too short or too long.

Our precision engineered ER32 metric collet set has all the collets you'll probably ever need for kitless pens and custom pen making.

The set comprises 18 collets from 3mm to 20mm, a morse taper collet chuck with either a 1MT or a 2MT arbor, and a wrench to assist with tightening the chuck. It is supplied in an aluminium case for storage or carrying, with high density foam padding which has separate cut-outs for each component.

The morse taper arbor is threaded to enable it to accept a draw bar, the 1MT with an M6 thread and the 2MT with an M10 thread.

Instructions for use are in the tab below.

Product details
Product details
  • 18 precision engineered ER32 collets from 3mm to 20mm
  • Precision engineered ER32 collet chuck with 1MT or 2MT lathe fitting
  • Collet chuck pre-threaded to accept a drawbar
  • Chuck wrench included
  • Aluminium case with high density foam padding for storage or carrying

Unscrew the clamping nut from the collet chuck, and take note of the eccentric ring fixed on the inside, at the face end of the nut.

Insert the wider end of your chosen collet into the clamping nut at an angle, and twist it so that the groove around its circumference engages with the eccentric ring inside the nut. You'll know when you've achieved that because the collet will now be held in place within the clamping nut, albeit loosely,  and their face ends will be more or less flush.

The clamping nut can now be screwed back on to the chuck. Tightening the nut will reduce the diameter of the collet. Never tighten down on a collet unless it is fitted properly inside the clamping nut. If you do, the collet will not be central, and there is a good chance you won't be able to remove it from the chuck either.

Push at the edge of the collet at its face end to remove the collet from the clamping nut, once the nut is removed from the chuck.

The maximum capacity of each collet is denoted by the diameter etched on its face end. Tightening down the clamping nut will reduce the diameter by a maximum of 1mm. If the piece you are holding is more than 1mm smaller than the collet you have selected, use the next size down.

A draw bar can be fitted to the collet chuck to assist in holding the chuck securely in the lathe headstock. See separate instructions for making a lathe draw bar HERE

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