High end pen kits, nibs, inks and refills, tools, pen blanks and supplies for discerning pen makers and enthusiasts.
Agents for Bock nibs.
Specialist supplies for kitless pens and custom pen makers.
Tap to call: 01363 84686
TBC adapter bushes for adapting any set of pen kit bushes for turning between centres
TBC adapter bushes for adapting any set of pen kit bushes for turning between centres


Pen kit price rises are on the horizon - sorry

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  24 May 2024 13:00:00 Full article...
Sadly it’s one of those immutable facts of life - things inevitably go up in price. We try not to do it though. I realise that sounds a bit silly, since all businesses need to make a profit in order to remain in business, however, we’ve been around for 10 years now - yes, it’s our 10th birthday this year, and this will be only the second time we’ve increased the prices of our pen kits. The first time was around 5 years ago, so we’ve done pretty well at ...

Another clicker? But pen turners dont like click pens - right?

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  22 Feb 2024 12:00:00 Full article...
Yes, we’ve introduced another pen kit and it’s a click action ballpoint. It’s called the Notus and you can check it out here The thing is though that pen turners don’t make click pens - right? They prefer twist action ballpoints and it’s true to say that there are far more twist action ballpoint pen kits available than there are clickers. Why is that? Well, simply put, the perception amongst many pen turners is that click action ballpoint kits quickly fail ...

Finally, a fountain pen cleaning fluid that does not contain ammonia

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  10 Oct 2023 18:00:00 Full article...
Most fountain pen cleaning fluids contain a chemical called ammonia. Ours does not, and yet it’s a powerful formulation that will deep-clean the most neglected, crusted and dried out of fountain pens. You might not think the fact that it doesn’t contain ammonia is anything special - in fact you might think that without ammonia it can’t be very good. There is a chance too that you might not know what the heck I’m talking about, so let me explain. Most, if not all ...

Get 15% off lathe faceplates

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  20 Jun 2023 10:00:00 Full article...
There are times, if you’re a woodturner, when you have a piece of wood that’s either too large or too awkward to hold on your lathe using just a scroll chuck. Often the solution is a faceplate, which threads directly onto the lathe’s spindle shaft, onto which the wood can be screwed via a multitude of holes in the faceplate. Yes, I realise that most of you already know that, but what you may not already know is that we make and sell lathe faceplates. They’re made ...

New courier shipping option to beat the postal strikes

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  5 Dec 2022 11:00:00 Full article...
No matter where you live, you can now choose betwen delivery by Royal Mail or delivery by courier, irespective of  how large or small your order. Until now, courier shipping has been configured to only show up on our website as an option if orders that are too heavy for Royal Mail to handle. We've just changed all that, and from now on, courier shipiing is available as an option on all orders, to all countries, no matter how large or small the order - and we'll be keeping it ...

Abrasive Pastes for Pen Makers

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  4 Nov 2022 18:00:00 Full article...
Phil Dart November 2022 You may not have come across abrasive pastes before now. There again, you might have done, even if you’re a traditionalist - and the one you might have come across most is Yorkshire Grit. Unless you’re in the US though, you might need to find an alternative to Yorkshire Grit fairly soon, but more on that a bit later. What the heck is an abrasive paste anyway? They’re all much the same as each other to be honest - they consist of a blend ...

Pen kit bushes, drills and tubes compatibility tables

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  19 Aug 2022 10:00:00 Full article...
New pen kit look-up tables. It’s been a shockingly long time since we wrote anything on our blog. We know that our articles are well read, so you might even say we’ve been neglectful. It isn’t neglect though I assure you - it’s more that we’ve just been, well, very busy. It’s high time then that we put that right, so firstly I’m going to tell you about some of the things that have been keeping us busy in that time, and then I’m going to ...

On International Fountain Pen Day, here is a very special fountain pen

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  5 Nov 2021 07:00:00 Full article...
Yep, every year on the first Friday in November, it’s International Fountain Pen Day, and has been since it was introduced in 2012. This year, the first Friday in November is the 5th, which happens to be today.   Who introduced it? We have absolutely no idea, but unlike some other tenuous attempts at creating international something-or-other days, International Fountain Pen Day has definitely caught on in the psyche and consciousness of those who are in to fountain pens, and is ...

How to get a free Zephyr pen kit

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  28 Jul 2021 18:00:00 Full article...
It's back! Our popular special offer has made a return, and we're giving away free Zephyr pen kits until Monday 2nd August.   A gold & black chrome Beaufort Zephyr, made from a Semplicita SHDC Jet Black pen blank   Buy any 5 or more Beaufort Zephyr pen kits and we'll give you a chrome Zephyr pen kit completely free of charge. There's no voucher code required - the free pen kit will be added to your shopping basket ...

Why fine steel wool is not always fine

Phil - Beaufort Ink -  15 Jul 2021 10:00:00 Full article...
Good old plain and simple steel wool isn’t actually as plain and simple as you might think. For a start, it’s quite a complicated product to make, although I realise that’s not especially important from the end user’s point of view. What is important however is that there is no level playing field when it comes to grading steel wool, so you aren’t necessarily getting what you think you’re getting, and I’ll explain why not in just a moment. As blogs ...
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