After launching our new website at the end of November last year, and receiving overwhelmingly glowing reviews from all quarters for our pen refills , we enter 2015 in the knowledge that our claims regarding quality and value for money are entirely backed up by those who have had the opportunity to try them out for themselves. From the outset, our aim has been to produce pen refills of the very highest quality at the best possible price, in order to provide a real alternative to the poor refills supplied with pen kits and to refills available from suppliers elsewhere.
Beaufort Ink’s philosophy has, and always will be that there is no merit whatsoever in selling the same thing as everyone else or in copying anyone else, which only serves to dilute the marketplace to the ultimate detriment of everyone. Throughout the coming year, we hope to build on our pen refill core products, by introducing other items which we feel will be of benefit to pen makers and pen owners, that are either hard to find, hard to get in modest quantities, or which can be improved upon through better design, material or manufacturing.
There will be more news on further developments at Beaufort Ink as they happen.
In the meantime, a happy New Year to one and all.
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