Just for information, a few popular items which had sold out are now back in stock, if you’ve been waiting.
10 inch tubes for 7mm kits are back in, and we’ve also now got spare tubes for both the old style Jr Gent (15/32 and 25/64) and the new style Jr Gent (12.5mm and 10.5mm)
Spare pen kit tubes
We’ve now got centre band couplers for the Jr Gent in the new size too, as well as the old.
Pen kit spares
And the ever popular Yunstone Iced Mica pen blank is also back in, after a brief absence.
Yunstone crushed stone pen blanks
Upgrade 7mm twist mechanisms are back in.
Mechanisms & converters
We’re hoping to upload some 1 inch brown mahogany blanks later today, which we’ve got a small supply of, as well as some 3/4 inch. If you want some before then, you can always get in touch.
Wood pen blanks
And for the kitless makers we’ve added a couple more clip designs. We’ve never got around to putting any of them on the website unfortunately, but if you need a clip you always get in touch, and we promise to make the time to upload them soon.
Pen clips for custom pen makers
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