Well, here’s something a bit different. Pen makers have been casting pen blanks for years, traditionally from coloured acrylics but more recently also using images applied to tubes, then sealed in a clear resin
Our thanks to Patrick R for allowing us to share his photo, which shows a pair of Beaufort Mistral pens, made from oak, then covered in gold leaf.
His method was to turn the oak to a size smaller than the bushes, apply the gold leaf – one of them here is yellow gold, the other is white gold, then cast them in clear resin which he then re-turned and finished to size. The result is a gold leaf pen which is fully encased and protected, that also shows the grain of the wood underneath.
We think they look great, but even if the finished result isn’t your cup of tea, you have to admit it’s an innovative idea. What clever customers we have!
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